
I told my Muslim cousin I wouldn't even know what I'm saying if I prayed in Arabic and he said "you just gotta feel it"

Which honestly makes me wonder if the 5 daily prayer ritual triggers an epigenetic expression or neuroplastic adaptation that contributes to Muslim faithfulness

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@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner Yea fait is retarded it is like copium even if it is not true believers still cope

Like christians get fucked every day but they cope that it is fait to suffer.

I believe in the WIIL and the WILL is mine

Because there is no existence I know other than me and universe

No other is in my mind except myself😇

@LysanderMooner @VeganMGTOW Suffering comes from existance and complexity.

Because that what create most of the negativity.

Dont be too mean this is a rare fedora tipper. They almost went extinct when the larpagans were introduced into the environment. A truly rare and magnificent find.
I havent seen this level of intellectualism since it peaked around 09. They ruined them by making them think Oden was trad and based. Maybe we can have space travel if we shut up and listen this time.
The only Oden I know is Greg and that nigger was garbage
I can't figure it out but im also using snapchat to do it

@VeganMGTOW have you tried asking Jesus into your heart and accepted him as your lord and savior

@LysanderMooner Jesus is an Evil djin brought from Etiopía to polluted Europe hope some day we can cast it away For good.

@VeganMGTOW @LysanderMooner That's a very interestimg take, I've never heard anything like that before. You must be very knowledgable, mature, and well read

@LysanderMooner I mean read it and see what you think. This is Islam's parallel to the "Our Father". There is a striking similarity at the end: "lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil" vs "guide us on the Straight Path ..."


Most Muslims I talked to who were going out of their way to publicly proselytize Islam and who were male

Seem to claim that you can not trust the Bible since you know it changed because each English translation has a different text

They do not understand that the question would be if the Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic original texts changed

They insist on only the Quran in Arabic counting

But most Muslims throughout the world can not read Arabic


Since they can not read Arabic they could not have read the Quran in Arabic and concluded with logic, reason, and evidence that the information in the Arabic Quran is correct


If I remember correctly Usama Dakdok had Egyptian Christian Parents and studied Islam in Egypt

He translated the Quran into English

He is one of the best scholarly resources on Islam

He claims to be a Christian

In my opinion he does not understand Christianity as well as he should because some of his objections to Islam are not logical for example, the Bible clearly allows polygyny but he complains about polygyny in Islam

He fails to name the Jew

allah is satan
false god with a pedophile for a prophet
There is but one true God.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
@koropokkur @LysanderMooner @shortstories Dont forget the Christian churches in those countries use the same word. While Islam is a great heresy, I don't believe their God is Satan. They were mislead into Arianism and other heresies as a corruption, which is arguably worse in many ways due to being close enough to be tougher to convince of the truth of Christ.
mutts are filthy invaders.
not aryans, not persians.
they have occupied those lands and claimed ownership and heritage that is not theirs.
they do not worship Our Lord.
they worship a pedophile and the false god he represents.
@koropokkur @LysanderMooner @shortstories Arians not Aryans. I'm defending the Eastern Christians who use the Arabic word Allah for God. Islam is Mormon tier heresy but a bit worse, and it's not wrong to say Satan was involved in corruption of God's truth. They do not worship in an acceptable way, but it's more accurate to criticize their theology than throw ≈10% of the world's Christians under the bus for the language they use.
that's their word for their false god.
allah is not the name of Jesus Christ
@BowsacNoodle @koropokkur @LysanderMooner @shortstories Allah in the Christian context is just a general signifier like Deus, God, or Theos. Allah in the Mohammedan context is literally the actual name of their God, just as Jesus is the actual name of the 2nd person of the Godhead.
Jesus is God in man.
again, allah is known as the greatest of deceivers.
the bible refers to satan as the prince of lies.
allah is satan.
@koropokkur @LysanderMooner @shortstories @BowsacNoodle We have no disagreement here. The word "Allah" which is the Arabic word that is translated as the word "God" in English, Deus and Theos in the Latin and Greek, has no meaning in it of itself. The word "Allah" derives its meaning from the religious paradigm that one holds, so if I a Roman Catholic say the phrase "Inshallah". I am not saying "Allah" to mean God as how the Mohammedian understands "God" through his Quranic lens, but how a Christian understands God through what his scriptures teach.
>I don't believe their God is Satan.
When you read their own stories around how Mohammed received his supposed divine revelation it becomes extremely hard to deny satanic influence in it, rather than relying purely on the more mundane "it came out of pre-existing heresies" explanation.

There's also the implicit connection of the devil being called the "lord of this world" and how obscenely worldly islam is. Seriously, its conception of heaven is literally a whorehouse. Or how one of the 99 names of the islamic god is "master of lies" (or something to that effect)

Or the few times the islamic god is depicted with a personality (rather than as an unknowable monad god, which is also common) it's that of a petty and spiteful slavemaster. In many ways like a caricature of the image of the "wrathful" depiction of God in the OT.
@Umlaut @LysanderMooner @shortstories @koropokkur The last paragraph is basically gnosticism, so I do think it's entirely consistent with the repackaging of old heresies with some Antichrist satanic influence.
@BowsacNoodle @Umlaut @LysanderMooner @shortstories @koropokkur Moreso Neo-Platonic, but Mohammed was an illiterate Bedouin who hobbled together various different Christian heresies and 7th century judasim to form Islam.
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