
Sargon of Akkad just posted another vid on population decline.

TL;DW - Talks about how the economy deters family formation and welfare programs are pyramid schemes and immigration doesn’t help. And he also says women have a duty to have children but says nothing about TWRA.

He’s still a cuck. Just more fake outrage bullshit.

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@Mr_Mister He's diagnosing the disease but doesn't want to prescribe the cure.

@Tfmonkey @Mr_Mister a believe there is a specific number of words that can be invoked at this point, a number between 13 and 15. And once you do say them, the full force of the state, big tech and international finance shut you down and ruin your life.
Big step for a sucessful business owner, niche political influencer and family man with young kids to take, isn't it?

@Kang_Kong3 @Mr_Mister @Tfmonkey

Carl can never say TWRA without the state smashing his media empire and putting his head on a spike as an example to others.

If anyone wants to say the gamer words you have to be an anonymous monkey on alt-media.

> welfare programs are pyramid schemes and immigration doesn’t help

he must be some kind of scientist to figure this out on his own

@Mr_Mister He's trying to convince women they have a duty to society. This reminds me of TFM's moral development chart...

He believes the west can still be saved lol. He clearly doesn't see the current world as it is and obviously can't do simple math and logic.

It really is true tradcucks will have faith even after they die their messiah will save them for free while they do pathetic.

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