@Tfmonkey's clients seeing their position becoming a long-term capital investment

@ButtWorldsMan To be fair, there are much smarter people that have lost a lot more than me because they were using leverage and options, and there is still hope that commodities will by the end of the year, but definitely next year.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan Are you still against the Forex market even if those Forex markets are part of BRICS

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan if you want to profit from the BRICS currency, just own gold, and don't even mess with the BRICS currency directly

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan It’s not that I want to profit off of BRICS I want to survive the fall of the American dollar With some wealth

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan You say there is no financial solution to a political problem,true, playing by Americas Financial and Political rules,But if these rules are being used to destroy your wealth,shouldn’t you find a International work around,move or convert your money,where it is favorable as a hedge(Forex market),Not wanting to hold Physical Gold or Silver and not trying to solve America’s political problems,Just trying to salvage some wealth

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan Anything you can use the government can seize, ban, or destroy if they choose.

If you want to go play in the FOREX market, be my guest. Why are you even asking me when you've already made up your mind?

@Tfmonkey @Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan what is the forex and how can I play with it? And can I do this using vanguard


@37712 @Tfmonkey @Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan forex is the super duper cool trader kids club, only the broist of bros can enter. No Mexicans!

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