#fauci #inthistogether #safeandeffective #trustthescience #diedsuddenly #getthejab #getboosted #covid #vaccine #coincidence
I'm with you in all this but... does it matter that they admit it after the damage is already done?
#fauci #inthistogether #safeandeffective #trustthescience #diedsuddenly #getthejab #getboosted #covid #vaccine #coincidence
You know when Jews stopped hunting former Nazi's? That would be never - https://www.npr.org/2021/10/07/1043971890/100-year-old-nazi-guard-on-trial-germany
If the will is there then there will be no statute of limitations for crimes like these.
How did I know it would go back to the jews lol jk
I'm cautiously optimistic but until I see people going behind bars
Creators getting there platforms back
A MASS CULLING of all parties responsible
I'm going to keep working my plan to GTFO the west.
And meet a basic Asian bitch and live happily ever after.
Weird huh? Almost like the constant examples of large-scale fuckery and unequal justice just coincidentally tend to have certain people in common.
So weird.
@UncleIroh @37712 I'm not doing this again.
I'm tired of defending people I don't care about.
Elon Musk could send all Jews to Mars and earth would still have the same problems.
Jews are like the white man for black people. A red herring that doesn't address the real issue.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh @37712 Did you mute me Based Bagel,that is your choice just curious,if I am muted for drinking tequila and being an asshole I understand,but don’t ignore my relevance otherwise.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh @37712 ok good I find your ramblings amusing and your innocence a distraction, to what I perceive as reality,And don’t wanna be banished from commenting on your constant post for attention even when ignored for being a alcoholic asshole I want your warm pastry hole to be there to comfort me
Innocence? I don't know how you got that from my posts but ok.
It's easy to say I post for attention but think about it.
Where else can I have these conversations without having my life destroyed?
You think I like being jootard/pedo adjacent?
I would love to shitpost like this on normie socials but I''d either be banned or have the FBI at my door.
I woild never mute you @Scubbie
I only mute/block:
Mastodon doesn't have a like button so im sorry it seems like I'm ignoring you when I just don't have anything to add.
@UncleIroh @37712