Denying yourself short term pleasures is not slave morality but self control to keep you from being enslaved by feeling obligated to do things for pleasure
I do not think Stirner denies the existence of God
Reading or listeining to Stirner in the Ego and his own might be more time efficient than Nietzsche
Nobody has convinced me that Nietzsche taught anything worthwhile that Stirner has not taught in less words and more time efficiency
So I never bothered with Nietzsche
@Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner I like my Jesus,age 12-30 years old,coming of age Jesus,learning to become a man,searching out the world for the lost Tribes of Israel Shamans to learn ancient miracles ,Water to wine from a drunken master,Cast out demons into pigs from a Druid,walk on water from Ninja etc…
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner Christianity Is Cuckery Made Religion
@VeganMGTOW @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner Vegans worship the cuckery Jesus with the dietary law
@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories @LysanderMooner This dietary Law is to avoid diseases and don't be defenless when reach eldery age you do you.
@Scubbie are you full of the holy Spirit and walking with Jesus?