Which would lower the population growth rate more

1 Women learn transgender LGBTQ "death to males" style gender studies in Elementary & middle School but are not allowed high school or college degrees

2 Women are allowed high school and college degrees but gender studies classes are outlawed or gender studies classes are geared to promote what people call "the patriarchy"

@shortstories The answer is B, and it's not even close.

Here is an article from 2015 which I covered back in the day which showed 270 women giving their reasons why they aren't having children. They fit into 5 and only 5 reasons:

1. I want to prioritize my career
2. I don't like children
3. I have a bad relationship with my parents
4. I don't want the financial responsibility
5. I like my life as it is.

Note there is no mention of men, patriarchy, or feminism.

I have more sources as well.


I would say that some of those 5 values are learned values that are taught by gender studies embedded in social science and mainstream media

For example prioritizing a career over having children is a feminist talking point


@shortstories @Tfmonkey Women are selfish brats,feminism is just a collective that allows them to justify being a brat and manipulates their child like brains into a social movement

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