Which would lower the population growth rate more

1 Women learn transgender LGBTQ "death to males" style gender studies in Elementary & middle School but are not allowed high school or college degrees

2 Women are allowed high school and college degrees but gender studies classes are outlawed or gender studies classes are geared to promote what people call "the patriarchy"

@shortstories The answer is B, and it's not even close.

Here is an article from 2015 which I covered back in the day which showed 270 women giving their reasons why they aren't having children. They fit into 5 and only 5 reasons:

1. I want to prioritize my career
2. I don't like children
3. I have a bad relationship with my parents
4. I don't want the financial responsibility
5. I like my life as it is.

Note there is no mention of men, patriarchy, or feminism.

I have more sources as well.


I would say that some of those 5 values are learned values that are taught by gender studies embedded in social science and mainstream media

For example prioritizing a career over having children is a feminist talking point

@shortstories You could say that, and you would be wrong.

Iran has a dogshit birthrate even though they're a theocracy that arrests feminists because they let them go to college and have careers.

Here is a peer reviewed study from Finland which shows that as women become wealthier and more educated, they want fewer children, but the same does not occur when men become wealthier and more educated: demographic-research.org/volum

I have another source I'll link to below

@shortstories Last year, in 2023, Sweden did a study and found that when men win the lottery, they get married and have families, whereas when women win the lottery they divorce their husbands and break up their families to keep the money for themselves.

The problem isn't and never has been "feminist brainwashing". Women are just selfish children, and when you empower them you get societal collapse.

sources: ca.style.yahoo.com/women-lotte , nber.org/papers/w31039


What if women were allowed to be educated but not allowed to be employed

For example what if women were trained to be midwives which is a form of education

What if normal education for women was to learn midwife information that is only normally taught in colleges in the USA

But they were given no college degree or employment for it

And just expected to learn it so that they can be medically prepared to help other women give birth to children

Same with first aid & other skills

@shortstories women can read books on their own I suppose, but the data is absolutely clear that empowered women collapse birthrates.

I don't get why you're fighting for women to be educated, but not employed. That's like saying that you don't want to cure the cancer, just lower it from stage 4 to stage 2.

Just cut the cancer out altogether. Women are going to bitch no matter what you do, so just rip the band aid off.


I think it would be good if women were trained to prepare for medical emergencies in case their children they are care taking for get injured

This would require some sort of education

I think the more knowledgeable they are in how to help with these medical emergencies the more likely the children are to survive

@Tfmonkey @shortstories Women should not be allowed to drive a vehicle without a man present,there would be less accidents and deaths

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @shortstories women shouldn't be allowed to leave the home without a man or guardian

@VooDooMedic @Scubbie @Tfmonkey
hey @shortstories, don't become the cuck who needs to be dealt with outside when the men are discussing the future of the society. Women's rights benefits NO ONE and it hurts children badly.

@shortstories @Tfmonkey Women are selfish brats,feminism is just a collective that allows them to justify being a brat and manipulates their child like brains into a social movement

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