someone brought me an interesting question, in this new economy that is coming, are we employable?

and that got me thinking, what will be the new demands from this new economy? i know entertainment will always be a thing, crime too, but what else?

i mean, crime but, let's face it, crime hardly pays anymore, coke went under, weed is cheap, and let's be honest, how the hell will you get adictive pills? and stealing cars, who are you going to fence it too anyway?


@RodrickSage @UncleIroh @basedbagel
Until we have most thing automated.

We will need to have people who create and people who will maintain it.

I think the change will be that west will change to fit needs of import for BRICS countries.

But if they will make everything themself and not to import it where it would be cheaper

We would see countries going back to build infrastructure. Like before we started outsorcing it to other countries. Because it was cheaper.

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