@Stahesh That's a shame. A cowardly lion. Even does the leftist over-explaining wall of text thing.

@RoninGrey Fucking liar telling me the chat is long when I ask only 2 questions.

So basically all western AIs come heavily censored out of the box. How useful, a tool that doesn't work is supposed to replace every worker on earth.

@Stahesh @RoninGrey @Tfmonkey

This is wrong there are some carnivores like snakes that kill & eat living animals but it claims carnivores are not capable of killing

Just because some animals eat dead animals & do not kill them does not mean other animals that are carnivores avoid killing


It was claimed on the news that artificial intelligence told someone to assassinate the monarchy

But this artificial intelligence tells people to explore peaceful and lawful manners

Was the news story fake?

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