
My power went out precisely as I was preparing to go live. i had everything up and ready and go.

My power and internet are back. I could go live now, but the show will be shorter because I have to go to work, or we can do the show in the evening.

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@Tfmonkey Maybe you can do the show without banter. Ezpz quick n cheezy

@ButtWorldsMan everyone left. It'll take another hour to get everyone back together, and then the show will only be an hour long.

@Tfmonkey isn't the point to get to the news? You've done solo before.

@ButtWorldsMan hmmm, you drive a hard bargain Buttwordsman, but I see your point.

@Tfmonkey, those of us living in Florida today can sympathize about your power going out unexpectedly.

@IcarusWax @Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Now go and spend another couple of grand to install a diesel/gas/gasoline energy generator for your home

@Tfmonkey I know it's another compromise but try scheduling your shows a different time. Have the Morning Constitutional Thursday instead of Wednesday for example, a free morning in the week where you'll have fewer interruptions from gardeners.

As for the stream struggling, you could stream to the 2 to 3 platforms with the most views, and if one of them goes down, you take it out and stream to another platform.

Not perfect solutions but still worth considering. No one streams to 6 platforms.

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