@Tfmonkey I do think that you're overreacting a bit. There are too many unknowns in my opinion to say that we should all just report to our bug pods.

Why are you so certain after only a few articles which don't communicate large diplomatic movements such as explicit peace deals or large troop/munition movements? It's been less than a month since the start of the conflict and only <12k have died.

Remember small things like ham sandwiches can change the course of history.


@DoubleD It was beaten into me as a military intelligence analyst to build a rational picture based on limited data and make actionable recommendations while admitting that my knowledge gaps are subject to change based on changes on the ground.

This is why it's easier to look backwards and report what DID happen rather than look forward and talk about what MIGHT happen.

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@Tfmonkey @DoubleD Now there are headlines saying fear of Wagner giving Lebanon air defense systems. Is this Russia's way to clean its hand if they actually use them?

@Mike_Microwave @DoubleD Yes. I didn't think they'd give them to Lebanon. I knew they'd give them to Syria and Iran because they're Russian allies, but Lebanon?

Using Wagner as a middle-man gives Russia plausible deniability.

@Tfmonkey @Mike_Microwave @ButtWorldsMan We'll see. Thank you for the info as well. I know you're doing the best you can like the rest of us just in your own disciplines.

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