
This is a bit random, but if you're into the same music as me (I like chillhop/jazzhop and relaxing beats with "whisper" singing) and you like Alana Baraz, she made a new album about a month ago, and some of the new tracks are really good.

Here's one I've been listening to a lot recently:

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@Tfmonkey now I believe you Have insomnia if that song does it put you to sleep


TFM, are you depressed or something? Is it that time of the month again?


And this is coming from a guy who likes chillhop/jazzhop and relaxing beats

@Tfmonkey Nice.
Might I recommend "Late Night Alumni"?
- This group (lead vocals Becky Jean Williams) and "Kaskade" put out excellent tracks in the early 2000's. Also "Explosions In The Sky".

@No3D yeah, that's a classic, although I like the softer almost whisper-like singing better.

@Tfmonkey YO, I got a reply from Tiffum!!!!! Roger that Monkeさん. Now, I need a reply from Tifa.

Just want to say thanks for the work you do :) I have better understanding of the whole cathedral shit going on & of course, stopped my simp shit. WaifuLaifu is the one. 2D ∞>>>>> 3D

- No3D

@No3D thanks. No need to be starstruck though. I'm a nobody on the asshole of the internet.

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