
I only just realized that Ireland's Prime Minister is a gay pajeet.

Pajeets now rule Ireland, UK, Scotland, and the Mayor of London is also one. WTF is going on?

@UncleIroh It's not the Jews controlling everything, it's the Poos! Government heads, tech companies, playing both sides with BRICS and the west. No one ever saw it coming.

Soon, there will be no more toilets in the world, as our Indian overlords will ban them and make us all squat on the (designated) streets to poop. Hope you are a fan of cows, because you will be seeing them in more places (but not for eating).


Plot twist - pajeet billionaires have been bankrolling the globalist Vegan agenda the whole time.


Most populated country in the world would send the most number of immigrants to other countries

So they would get more support than any other immigrant group in a foreign country in terms of numbers of voters

This explanation does not entirely make sense because Jews are smaller in population than Indians but have more political leaders than Indians

Maybe Jews choose a Indian face to get largest population voters

By Jews, I mean Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews who are not real Jews

@UncleIroh Well Pajeets are Well know for being The super Saiyan of Simping meaning from all Male population in The World they are The most obidient to pussy.


They're also the least sexually dimorphic people in the world - the men are almost the same size as the women.

The long-term effects of cultural veganism most likely.

@UncleIroh only Jainism practice Veganism in India they are The whitest and wealthiest population in India The browns eat meat AND a Lot of Dairy dairy Is loaded with estrogens.


It's no wonder pajeets are as small as their women and the worlds greatest simps.

9% of their population is vegan, the highest in the world.

20-39% of their population is vegetarian, also the highest in the world.

and it's been that way for thousands of years. enough time to make this weakness genetic.

@UncleIroh You just proven my point 91% of The population consume animal products you cannot put The other 9% in The same category they are very diferentes from The general public


correct, you're all weak soy simps on the road to a genetic swamp - both vegans and vegetarians.

being a pajeet is your destiny.

@UncleIroh You are delusional Vegans are on average More muscular than The general public cause we don't consume any for of estrogens.


Sure pajeet. You can get a headstart on your future by removing your toilet now.


Cope harder, pajeet.

God gave us animals to eat and it's glorious. They are the tastiest and healthiest food in the world, hmmm.

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