I hate when people try dismiss my arguments by taking things to extreme.

Me: If a critical mass of us refuse the vax, they'll have to drop the mandate. Just say no

Normie: Oh so you're asking me to lose my job, get divorced and have my kids starved for some conspiracy theory?

NO you braindead normie I'm asking you to stand for something for once in your life!

I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people to do the right thing.



> I'm beginning to think all persuasion is pointless, just get power and force people

Wait, what do you think we have now? We're in a Neitzschean "might is right" death struggle right now.

The ones with the might are the ones wearing the skin-suits of American Classical Liberalism.

And everyone except Christian Zionist retards can now see that they also all wear tiny hats.

@UncleIroh gonna find a way to talk about those smallhats lol.

But while we're on the topic, I don't like how anytime you say anything about Jews that isn't sucking their dick it's anti-semitism.

That gets old fast and you can't have discourse that way.

Imagine if everytime someone disagreed with me I just called them a bagelist and blocked them.


> I don't like.. anti-semitism.

The West is in the grip of a death cult right now, bent on encouraging us to all commit suicide in a 1000 different ways, culturally and literally.

I'll not apologize for what my enemy calls "antisemitism". I don't accept their framing.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel You're a faggot, the West needs to fall and all of you faggots need to die. The death cult is right, and they'll go down with you. Rot in hell westoid faggot

@meso @basedbagel

Oh what do we have here? Another low IQ script-kiddie slavic faggot edgelord no less.

Ubiĭ se, kradets na kislorod


@UncleIroh @basedbagel tiho we rumunec, kradets na portfeili bukvalno kradec pedal grozen CC @VIPPER @Komnene
>I-breve (Ĭ, ĭ) is used in the dialects of Crimean Tatar language spoken in Romania. It pronounce [ɪ] sound like in Tatar tĭlĭ (Tatar language).

@UncleIroh @meso @basedbagel

I don't know why your previous posts were so offensive to the sensibilities of some individuals. Your point, @UncleIroh was correct in terms of it's effectiveness: reject their ontology and they have no ideological power.

@DoubleD @meso @basedbagel

Dude, you're already speaking 2 orders of IQ magnitude above his comprehension, but yes, fully agreed.

@meso @UncleIroh @basedbagel
I personally can't wait for the Westoid death cult to make its way to Bulgaria so I can finally realize my true calling in life and start mailing pipe bombs to Judeo-LGBT organizations or whatever (and then rot in prison for the rest of my life)

^ all in minecraft btw
@basedbagel @UncleIroh

The point of it is to shut down the discourse and all critisism, regardless of validity.
@basedbagel @UncleIroh I find it more disturbing that nobody points out how much dick sucking is involved with Judaism before infiltrating other countries?

@Komnene @basedbagel @meso

Says the faggot with Michael Kikebride in his header image.

@UncleIroh @Komnene @basedbagel says the guy with a giant fucking dildo in his asshole 24/7 fucking western faggot kys

@meso @Komnene @basedbagel

You sound like a child who's just learned some naughty words.

Time for you to go on mute.

@UncleIroh @Komnene @basedbagel you need to commit suicide you gigantic shitskin mongoloid retard, this is the second time you've lied about blocking to feel smug instead of actually doing it, because deep down you have a sexual attraction to men and want them to dominate you. You know you want it, but you're not gonna get it, your current place of living will be destroyed because of the same degeneracy as the fate of your favorite historical empire, faggot.

@Komnene @basedbagel @meso

You @Komnene also have to go on the timeout step like a kid who has had too much sugar.

Use the time to reflect on your actions.

@UncleIroh @Komnene @basedbagel you need to fucking kill yourself like a faggot who needs to put a noose around his neck climb on a chair tie the noose to the ceiling fan and kick the chair. Use the time being dead to reflect on how you're a miserable fucking incel that will never get laid or procreate whining about people who will do the exact same and pretending he's better. Fucking faggot, you're actually a repressed homosexual or transsexual and I have a PHD thesis to prove it
@Komnene @UncleIroh @basedbagel @meso
speak to me like that again and i will have your pound of flesh cooking on my doner kebab machine

@Komnene @UncleIroh @meso

I go and run some errands and the thread goes on a wild tangent I can't follow. So I'm just gonna

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