
What are Hegelian dialectics? Problem, reaction, solution

What is Praxis?
The act of transforming reality through dialectics

What it looks like in action:

* Govt creates problem: open the borders to unknown numbers of illegal immigrants

* Govt reaction: "we have to print money to handle the millions of illegals. also we can't identify who they are"

* Prepared solution: Introduce Digital ID to track illegals. Introduce CDBC to solve inflationary effects.

Another example.

* Govt creates problem: turn the internet into a chaotic mindfuck using AI. Flood with bot accounts & content, spun narratives, deploy cyber attacks, create crypto scams

* Govt reaction: "we need internet on-ramp security to protect banks, infrastructure and the public against cyber attacks, financial scams & misinformation"

* Prepared solution: Digital ID to prove online identity. CDBC to prevent financial fraud

Another example.

* Govt creates problem: create bio weapons & viruses, start pandemics

* Govt reaction: "we need to restrict travel & public assembly, create new vaccines & re-introduce lockdowns"

* Prepared solution: Digital ID to track and trace. Control access to bank accounts, jobs & freedom via coercion: you must take the vaxx & get the Digital ID. Then force CDBC on captured populations.

CBDC doesn't solve inflation and cannot do shit against hyperinflation. It's a false belief propagated by people who doesn't understand economics.

Digital ID is the second worst (after gun control) as it literally is the good old soviet iron curtain.


I don't think trying to solve inflation is their goal at all tbh, it's just a useful too to create enough disruption to replace traditional free market economics with their global alternative. There's no fixing trad-fi and they know it, the math makes that impossible.

@UncleIroh Agree. It's another tool of control so they can spy and auto tax their slaves.

@Zeb @UncleIroh if the peg it to the invented carbon credit like they want to they will be able to manipulate CBDC if merged World wide with BRIC’s in a truce to stop WWIII,total control and inflation can be altered and dissolved in clean energy policies in the name of their new religion climate change

@UncleIroh I'm laid up in the hospital literally next to a fuckin illegal immigrant ICE brought in who's getting visited by his illegal family that was brought here already, Desantis needs to redeem himself & clean out Miami.

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

Praxis is related to direct action

In Marxist and or Left Anarchist and or International Workers of the World and or Antifa language

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

"Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, realized, applied, or put into practice. "Praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practising ideas"

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

"Direct action is a term for economic and political behavior in which participants use agency—for example economic or physical power—to achieve their goals. The aim of direct action is to either obstruct a certain practice (such as a government's laws or actions) or to solve perceived problems (such as social inequality).

Direct action may include activities, often nonviolent but possibly violent

@fal1026 @UncleIroh

"Desantis needs to redeem himself & clean out Miami."

RepublicanDesantis is on the same zionist speech censoring team as the Democrats

He will not redeem hinself

He is letting the immigrants invade on purpose while pretending to oppose it

@shortstories @UncleIroh You're probably right after this embarrassing presidential campaign, but I hope you're wrong for obvious reasons, & after him I'm very interested who's going to be in the running.

@fal1026 @shortstories

I agree, I don't think DeSantis will redeem himself.

I look at him as the type of person they want everyone to believe is anti-establishmen.

@UncleIroh @shortstories Yeah, hopeful thinking on my part he's engaged in 4D chess, but it's too much to ask considering all the skeletons starting to dance out of the closet, damn... Laura Loomer has another feather in her cap!

@fal1026 @UncleIroh


Harry Vox - Unsafe Space


@shortstories @UncleIroh I still got the early videos of her talking with Metokur about the video he made about her, honestly I forgot about her, then she kept popping up over time until currently, I feel similarly about her that I do about Destiny(the ideological reflection of Ben Shapiro). There's too many people hanging around, while better people disappeared.
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