How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated in current year, when people in Ancient Greece already grasped it?

Abrahamic religions really are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.


What you have just demonstrated is an entirely faith-based assertion of your certainty that Darwin's evolutionary theory is true. By which you most likely mean natural selection.

You sound like a religious Darwinist. In case you didn't know, there is a growing dissatisfaction with the scientific orthodoxy, & Darwin is under serious challenge by scientists from different disciplines.

Here are 2 accessible examples:

@UncleIroh What does any of this have to do with Darwin? I said evolution, like gravity, is undeniable. I didn't say I specifically agree with Darwin's theory (which isn't even the currently accepted version in many regards). I do agree that death is a necessary component of evolution (natural selection), but that's about it.


Well now you're just speaking out of the side of your mouth like a sneaky Jew.

> How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated

Darwinism is by far the most common framework that people use when talking about "evolution being debated". Especially without any other qualifiers. That assumption would be like 99.99% of people.

So now you can go fuck yourself with a cactus.

@UncleIroh What... My Judeo Christian guy, first you accuse me of blindly believing a person. I explain to you that evolution, like gravity, is a phenomenon, which is provable and undeniable AND the theories of evolution are a separate thing (including Darwin's) which should be questioned, tested and debated.

And now you call me a Jew for correcting you.

Do better, seriously.


You: > How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated

Also you: > theories of evolution.[..] should be questioned, tested and debated.

You are a whole retard.



> I explain to you that evolution, like gravity, is a phenomenon, which is provable and undeniable

Which part of evolution is provable and undeniable? Natural selection?, Sexual selection? Micro-evolution (in-species change)? Macro evolution (branch changes, new species)?

One of those can be proved. You are a retard.

@UncleIroh Next sunday, instead of going to Church, try putting on a lab coat and observe how bacteria replicates. Or read any book on the subject, it's possible to see the process of evolution in real time.

Natural selection is observable/provable as well. I don't think you understand the concept. It merely states that death (brought by environmental stimuli) determines which traits are passed on. If you breed animals, or study how dog breeds are made, you will see that process in action.

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