@basedbagel huh
I saw s2 users, one was a lesbian and the other is name ethical pedophile...
I blocked both of them but I was shocked they were in my feed.
I assumed that someone was trying to get our server banned by bringing fake accounts because who the FUCK calls themselves an ethical pedophile? That's an oxymoron
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel what do you mean?
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel I'm still super new to all this stuff I just post and reply I don't really go outta my way to follow people or anything
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel I don't even know what that means hahah
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel ahhhh okokok we use merovingian.club basically for everyone who's red pilled and based
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel I haven't had anything to complain about yet
@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic i need some holy water on my timeline.
I came for shitposts and based philosophy. I didn't ask for this
@animeirl @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot what the fuck am I even looking at right now
@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @animeirl who......
@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic @animeirl
I'm just gonna pretend this conversation never happened
@basedbagel @bot @FailurePersonified @animeirl same.....
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot @animeirl I seem to understand what you mean now
@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel a what.....
@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic
I don't know what type of cope you guys are on but I'm not going to let you guys gaslight me into thinking that PEDOs and TRANNYs are normal.
@basedbagel @bot @FailurePersonified they're not normal no one said they were
@animeirl @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot you know what they say any hole is a goal and blood is better lube then spit
@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel "normal" meaning a regular occurrence not "normal" as in socially acceptable
It was a wild time but over time moderation got better and the scourge moved on mostly, or became insulated.