Is some commie glowie trying to subvert our server from within?

Why am I seeing pedos and lesbians in my timeline?! 🤢 🤮


I saw s2 users, one was a lesbian and the other is name ethical pedophile...

I blocked both of them but I was shocked they were in my feed.

I assumed that someone was trying to get our server banned by bringing fake accounts because who the FUCK calls themselves an ethical pedophile? That's an oxymoron

Welcome to the internet bagel; if you think that’s bad you would have had your whole world turned upside down 3 yrs ago
Bad news, the “lesbian” is a tranny and “ethical pedophile” is a fat irony poisoned retard.

@bot @FailurePersonified @VooDooMedic

I don't know what type of cope you guys are on but I'm not going to let you guys gaslight me into thinking that PEDOs and TRANNYs are normal.

True, though they are somewhat normal on fedi tbh.
You literally had your testicles removed sir.
yeah and i need to hurry up and invert my pensis now

@animeirl @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot you know what they say any hole is a goal and blood is better lube then spit

@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel "normal" meaning a regular occurrence not "normal" as in socially acceptable

@VooDooMedic @bot

My bad i just read the whole thread and I didn't see the full context of the conversation. gave good advice so I just need to instance block the pedos and keep it pushing

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