@basedbagel huh
I saw s2 users, one was a lesbian and the other is name ethical pedophile...
I blocked both of them but I was shocked they were in my feed.
I assumed that someone was trying to get our server banned by bringing fake accounts because who the FUCK calls themselves an ethical pedophile? That's an oxymoron
@FailurePersonified @basedbagel what do you mean?
@basedbagel @bot @FailurePersonified they're not normal no one said they were
@animeirl @FailurePersonified @basedbagel @bot you know what they say any hole is a goal and blood is better lube then spit
@bot @FailurePersonified @basedbagel "normal" meaning a regular occurrence not "normal" as in socially acceptable
@VooDooMedic @bot @FailurePersonified@chudbuds.lol
My bad i just read the whole thread and I didn't see the full context of the conversation.
@FailurePersonified@kiwifarms.cc gave good advice so I just need to instance block the pedos and keep it pushing
@basedbagel @bot @FailurePersonified@chudbuds.lol @FailurePersonified@kiwifarms.cc you're my silliest goose bagel