I'm still seeing normies talking about suing the gov and big pharma over the vax.

Why do people think suing will stop the gov from killing you?

How are they going to sue after a heart attack/VAIDS/Stroke?

We'll find out together!


It just goes to show you how strong group think and propaganda are that they can override.your own self-interest to SURVIVE.

I always knew that normies were stupid but this vax really takes the cake.

@basedbagel almost everyone i know at work is double vaxxed with a mirage of them being boosted 1-2 times some of them only got 1 booster then said fuck it others hqve just gotten the vax but no boosters but still they aren't free thinkers

@VooDooMedic No disrespect but FUCK Australia.

I don't know how the hell you get on over there without losing your mind. (Concentration camps like wtf?!)

Most of my normies are boosted too but they're harmless as long as you keep the conversations surface level.

@basedbagel pretty sure the concentration camps have been decommissioned i havent heard anyone talking about them nor any movement about them

@VooDooMedic That's a relief.

Your stoicism must be on point because I would be losing my shit over this.

@basedbagel but everytime you near me start ranting its just frothing at the mouth rage

@VooDooMedic I feel you but I'm working my plan.

It's a real shame because America was one of a kind.

I like the east but they're too conformist for my taste (Japaneses vax rate despite no mandate).

I'm working like a crackhead so I can get my ass out of here before the next plandemic

@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

Where to go, which country??

I often think about this. Looking at vax rates is a useful proxy on how conformist a country's population is. Or how repressive it is.

e.g, Singapore is great for all the reasons TFM says, but dogshit when it comes to the vax rate. High social conformity + small island + slightly repressive = high vax rate.

Here's a chart where I selected data that shows the English-speaking West vs BRICS. Just press play.


@basedbagel @VooDooMedic

You can play around with different charts and country selections on that site. Gives you an idea of what to expect when the next pandemic hits.

That data is a good proxy for conformity, but not for repression. For that you would need charts on which countries had mandates.

So Australia has high conformity and I'd argue high repression, but not like Bharain.

Tell me what you think about this - more patriarchal countries have lower vax rates.

Hard to prove.


@UncleIroh @basedbagel the problem is that pretty much only the middle east is pro non vax

@VooDooMedic @basedbagel

I looked at that too and turns out that small islands are the worst, but Middle Eastern countries are not great either and have some of the highest rates. Look at UAE, Bharain etc...

For small islands I think it's high conformity (Gibraltar, Cuba, Singapore), but for some Middle Eastern countries it's "fucking do it or else."

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