@VooDooMedic nah, the elite are too busy lousing wars all over the world for them to pay attention to the elephant in the room, we all know that revolution is coming that is why we wanted to get out of democrat cities and hopefully in to a better place or foreign country.

@VooDooMedic i keep saying..the future isnt about girlbosses running the show. The Future is about the warlord who just conquered your suburb giving your daughters to his men as war brides, and all your sons clamouring to join his army.
@VooDooMedic eventually someone will pull the proverbial sword from the stone when it comes to harnessing the energy of disaffected young men
@Smirking @VooDooMedic Honestly, the bigger question is why someone hasn’t yet. To some extent I think Tate (despite how much of a faggot as he is) channeled that to some extent but no one has fully.
@boeswilligkeit @VooDooMedic Tate is still too nigger brained and comfortable to actually galvanize and lead a revolution. The man to do it is likely going nothing to lose and everything to gain
@Smirking @boeswilligkeit @VooDooMedic There's an old saying about a man that holds treasure in one hand can't hold a sword in another.....also Tate is a nigger faggot

@HarryNuggets @boeswilligkeit @Smirking I agree Tate is a nigger, so he can't think of anything more then clout so meh his message is good but 0 real traction other then make money and get out

@VooDooMedic The problem isn’t that there is a short supply of angry young men, but that those angry young men are also demoralized and see the system as too big to fail. This is why the electrical grid threads were good, because they spread knowledge of one way that key infrastructure could be dismantled overnight. But of course terminally online right winged retards decided to shut it down for some reason because they were worried the feds might arrest them. They literally did the glownigger‘s work for them.
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