
If you plan on buying precious metals as a hedge against inflation and possibly as a currency should hyperinflation kick in, are coins better ?

I'll go for a 80/20 silver/gold ratio and am mostly considering coins in case I have to use it as currency. idk about gold though.

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@Wopu I like divisible bars, personally. Coins are probably fine, but keep in mind most collector silver coins are not pure silver

@RegalBeagle @Wopu I have those divisible bars and coins and I can tell you they are not easy to break apart. I would break my fingers first before I would bend the bar in half, the coin is almost impossible to bend. Just get the 1 oz silver and gold coins or bars.

@37712 @Wopu I always thought they were more of scoring guides. Never tried to break one without a knife.

@Wopu coins are best and every one knows what they are.

@MrpoopyButhole @Wopu

Coins look and feel great, are convenient and more trustworthy, especially as part of a stored collection like a monster box, but they have horrible resale value.

Expect to pay way above spot for coins and at spot for resale.

For resale, bars are way better value.

@Wopu - I found the 1/4 oz gold coins to be a pleasant surprise. I never got around to buying any, but my situation is too good to complain. Maybe someday... 🍻

@Wopu Sovereign bullion and actual US based 64' & oldest coins are the most trusted silver content fractionals you can get. However, you are essentially betting on the trust of proven silver isduance in years of release to be important in a price explosion of silver that would cause a wide spread counterfeit market. Otherwise just raw silver is the way to go. I think it is useful to keep a mix of it all.

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