If you want to know if any of your friends are pedophiles, text them "HAPPY CNY"

If they respond with "what's CNY" you can tell them it means Chinese New Year, and your friend isn't a pedophile.

If they respond with 😭 😭 😭 then you're friend is a pedophile.

@Tfmonkey - If I may offer a small distinction for consideration: I understand CNY refers to anime lolis, right?

I've been around a doujin manga or two... and lolis are nothing like actual children - in demeanor and behavior that is. My point being: lolis ≠ children.

Lolis tend to be little sexpots and pinups, sprung forth from the imagination and a pen. Whereas actual children are generally needy & annoying little shits (that require immense investment to be turned into functional adults).

@Tfmonkey - Would there be some venn diagram overlap between cny enthusiasts and actual pedos? I'm sure.

But being one of either category, doesn't mean a person is necessarily the other as well.

Just a thought. 🤔🍻

Edit: I've heard TFM's views on losing respect for people. So I'll volunteer the reason it's an area of interest for me. I was raised in a house with horrific sexual child abuse, & very real consequences. My larger aim, is to get to the bottom of why it happens. Also, I like anime.


@Tfmonkey - Working theory: post pubescent female minors, display behavioral traits of femininity that used to be found in grown women - and they have tits. So, count another casualty to gynocentrism and the missing pimp hand.

Attraction to prepubescent females, is tougher to figure out. So far, I put that in the serial killer category - a certain small percentage of loose screws, that like the poor, will always be with us.

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@YoMomz all child molesters are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles are child molesters, but it's rational to shame and stigmatize pedophilia so it doesn't mature into child molestation.

As for why it happens? Probably the same reason gay people happen, hormone imbalances and being molested themselves as children.

@Tfmonkey - I agree with the broad strokes. I guess I have a vested interest in ending the negative consequences.

I have an eye to the rebuild effort in the post-collapse. And this topic is a tough one, not in terms of defining right and wrong, but in determining cause and effect. And in terms of prevention, because the material dependency of the victims is real.

So I feel a strong sense of duty in getting that right, in the accuracy of diagnosis. I'll keep theorizing. Cheers, sir. 🍻

@fal1026 @Tfmonkey - Given it a lot of thought - a list of things that likely won't exist post-collapse:

Public Service announcements
Awareness campaigns
A police/surveillance state
Public schools (where one can report to a teacher)
Reporting hotlines
Foster care

And knowing people, there's bound to be someone in any community who says "this is my culture".

Tentative solutions for a community:
Molest someone else's kids: beheading
Molest your own kids: GTFO.


@YoMomz @Tfmonkey
You lost me there. Female teenagers exhibit a lot more childish traits than feminine traits.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - It's just an observation... a "noticing". Women are children (mentally/emotionally).

Hypothesis: By the time they hit twenty, females are children who've been spoiled by all the attention. When their tits are brand new (to be vulgarly blunt), the attention is still new to them. So they still act demure. Timidity and being demure is both feminine & child-like.

Hopefully that clarifies what I meant by that.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - And furthermore, I suspect that men, who would otherwise not be tempted to attempt a seduction of a mid-teens female... Have a biological drive to try, in the absence of feminine 20yos.

I respect TFM without reservation, and I understand the logic he presents. But I think his take on this contributes to a Salem witch trial mentality.

I can't help suspecting he had a viewer go rogue or something - and he feels a misplaced sense of guilt. Pure speculation though. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - An afterthought hit me at work. It occurred to me that you may be young, and if so... Perhaps it seems like a bridge too far, to connect child-like with feminine (Since femininity is so rare anymore).

If your curiosity is piqued though, I'd recommend watching some old black and white movies or TV. Arguably, Hollywood has always been feminist. But you may be shocked at how the females carry themselves, in terms of timidity and meekness.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - I recommend the Dick Van Dyke Show. It's cute and genuinely funny. Plus, Mary Tyler Moore was hot as fuck, with excellent taste in sweaters.

Alternatively, "It's a Wonderful Life" might be another good example.

And the crazy part is, these would have been feminist portrayals at the time. I can only imagine how the average woman must've carried herself.

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