If you want to know if any of your friends are pedophiles, text them "HAPPY CNY"

If they respond with "what's CNY" you can tell them it means Chinese New Year, and your friend isn't a pedophile.

If they respond with 😭 😭 😭 then you're friend is a pedophile.


@Tfmonkey - If I may offer a small distinction for consideration: I understand CNY refers to anime lolis, right?

I've been around a doujin manga or two... and lolis are nothing like actual children - in demeanor and behavior that is. My point being: lolis ≠ children.

Lolis tend to be little sexpots and pinups, sprung forth from the imagination and a pen. Whereas actual children are generally needy & annoying little shits (that require immense investment to be turned into functional adults).

@Tfmonkey - Would there be some venn diagram overlap between cny enthusiasts and actual pedos? I'm sure.

But being one of either category, doesn't mean a person is necessarily the other as well.

Just a thought. 🤔🍻

Edit: I've heard TFM's views on losing respect for people. So I'll volunteer the reason it's an area of interest for me. I was raised in a house with horrific sexual child abuse, & very real consequences. My larger aim, is to get to the bottom of why it happens. Also, I like anime.

@Tfmonkey - Working theory: post pubescent female minors, display behavioral traits of femininity that used to be found in grown women - and they have tits. So, count another casualty to gynocentrism and the missing pimp hand.

Attraction to prepubescent females, is tougher to figure out. So far, I put that in the serial killer category - a certain small percentage of loose screws, that like the poor, will always be with us.

@YoMomz all child molesters are pedophiles, but not all pedophiles are child molesters, but it's rational to shame and stigmatize pedophilia so it doesn't mature into child molestation.

As for why it happens? Probably the same reason gay people happen, hormone imbalances and being molested themselves as children.

@Tfmonkey - I agree with the broad strokes. I guess I have a vested interest in ending the negative consequences.

I have an eye to the rebuild effort in the post-collapse. And this topic is a tough one, not in terms of defining right and wrong, but in determining cause and effect. And in terms of prevention, because the material dependency of the victims is real.

So I feel a strong sense of duty in getting that right, in the accuracy of diagnosis. I'll keep theorizing. Cheers, sir. 🍻

@Tfmonkey @YoMomz We need shaming with a side of corporal punishment back in society.

@fal1026 @Tfmonkey - Given it a lot of thought - a list of things that likely won't exist post-collapse:

Public Service announcements
Awareness campaigns
A police/surveillance state
Public schools (where one can report to a teacher)
Reporting hotlines
Foster care

And knowing people, there's bound to be someone in any community who says "this is my culture".

Tentative solutions for a community:
Molest someone else's kids: beheading
Molest your own kids: GTFO.


@YoMomz @Tfmonkey
You lost me there. Female teenagers exhibit a lot more childish traits than feminine traits.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - It's just an observation... a "noticing". Women are children (mentally/emotionally).

Hypothesis: By the time they hit twenty, females are children who've been spoiled by all the attention. When their tits are brand new (to be vulgarly blunt), the attention is still new to them. So they still act demure. Timidity and being demure is both feminine & child-like.

Hopefully that clarifies what I meant by that.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - And furthermore, I suspect that men, who would otherwise not be tempted to attempt a seduction of a mid-teens female... Have a biological drive to try, in the absence of feminine 20yos.

I respect TFM without reservation, and I understand the logic he presents. But I think his take on this contributes to a Salem witch trial mentality.

I can't help suspecting he had a viewer go rogue or something - and he feels a misplaced sense of guilt. Pure speculation though. 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - An afterthought hit me at work. It occurred to me that you may be young, and if so... Perhaps it seems like a bridge too far, to connect child-like with feminine (Since femininity is so rare anymore).

If your curiosity is piqued though, I'd recommend watching some old black and white movies or TV. Arguably, Hollywood has always been feminist. But you may be shocked at how the females carry themselves, in terms of timidity and meekness.

@Virtuality @Tfmonkey - I recommend the Dick Van Dyke Show. It's cute and genuinely funny. Plus, Mary Tyler Moore was hot as fuck, with excellent taste in sweaters.

Alternatively, "It's a Wonderful Life" might be another good example.

And the crazy part is, these would have been feminist portrayals at the time. I can only imagine how the average woman must've carried herself.

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

Michael Langone, Steven Hassan, Ted Patrick wrote books about cult deprogramming and did not say to join a specific major religion in the books I read

Unlike some badly written books by so called Christians that say their doctrine does not agree with the Bible therefor the group is bad but do not correctly represent the Bible

Sex abuse is a theme in cults

I have a lot more ideas to your question but I do not have time to discuss it now

@shortstories @Tfmonkey - I'm not at all surprised about sex abuse in cults - or religions. Both are a means of power.

And one of the biggest reasons to pursue power, is access to sex & reproduction. For a pedo, it'd be all the same.

In my ideal post-collapse society, in-group females would only ever have one partner: their husband. And their fathers (or guardians) would choose their husbands (up to 10yrs older). Females would be eligible at 16. No-sex courting (negotiations) starts at 15.

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

Based on fallible memory of what I read years ago from sources not listed

Statistics have been gotten from the prison population who were caught

Low IQ (caught)

2 / 3 fall in one of the two categories
1 are primarily attracted to adults but can not get consistent access to a adult partner, such as a spouse who refuses access. So they commit the crime because it is easy access
2 Are delusional due to mental health

1 / 3 commit the crime based on primary attraction

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

I suspect there is another group with a incredibly high IQ who is not caught and never imprisoned and who they have no statistics on

There are two categories

People who have very high IQ and high impulse control and who choose not to commit the crime as opposed to the group who was caught who I suspect have low impulse control and low IQ and was stupid enough to commit the crime

So called "Satanists" who work on the same team as the government and are not arrested

@shortstories @Tfmonkey - I have suspected much the same for a long time. I'm an avid student of history, and it's not hard to find accounts throughout the ages. I think it's just part of the human toolbox. The problem, is in the act, and the consequences of the act. So for that reason:

High IQ + impulse control + not committing the crime = no problem

Committing the crime = problem

Problem is addressed by beheading for targeting someone else's kids, and by banishment for someone's own kids.

@shortstories @Tfmonkey - Why only banishment for someone's own kids? 🤔 Well, false accusations are so common, and you can't reverse a beheading. But if someone ends up exonerated, you can always un-banish them. And in such a case, the false accuser would be banished instead at the discretion of the victim (a father may not wish to banish their child after exoneration - so that would be up to them. Though something tells me a husband would be much less forgiving of a treacherous wife).

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey

From my fallible memory of what I read years ago from sources not listed

50% of victims were girls
50% of victims were boys

Since less than half of males were bisexual or homosexual ( in the years when I read it although this might have changed )

And if much more males were imprisoned than females for these crimes

This suggests

A larger percentage of homosexual or bisexual males commit these crimes than heterosexual males

Or homosexual males have more victims per person

@Tfmonkey - Funny thought: I just noticed the implication there.

It may be that the best approach for preventing someone with a loli attraction, who may be considering an attempt to indulge their fantasies with real children... would be to have them spend time with real children, as a means of dispelling their fantasy notions. I wouldn't lock them in a dark closet or anything, but under supervised/public conditions, it may be the best cure... 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️ Familiarity may breed contempt, as they say.

@YoMomz That's a horrible idea. That's like taking a fat person to an all-you-can-eat buffet so that they will eat until they're sick.

Will you make them sick? Probably. Will you "cure" them of their obesity? Absolutely not.

Haven't you known people who get drunk, then during the hangover they swear they're giving up alcohol, and then they're drunk the next weekend?

@Tfmonkey - I'm brainstorming in public. Not every thought is a winner.

But I see abuse as coming in different flavors, according to motivations of the perpetrator.

This idea, or some kernel of it, may be helpful for a younger male, at a crossroads. Should he be there? Ideally, no.

Men can't sit on park benches alone in public, and maybe there are unforseen consequences to a young male raised in such isolation - idealization & fantasy run amok?

@YoMomz Again, it's almost certainly caused by the same factors that cause homosexuality, which are genetic/hormonal and often caused by being molested themselves.

You're free to imagine it's more complicated than that, but it really isn't.

I have nothing more to add to this conversation.

@Tfmonkey - I don't mean to draw your ire.

I seek solutions for a problem, and will entertain unpleasantries to find them, if need be.

The duality of life is such, that giving someone a chance to do right, also means giving them a chance to do wrong. How can that be done while minimizing harm?

Food for thought.

Or alternatively, when you're beheading offenders... Don't forget to behead their victims too.


@nice-nigger @YoMomz we have been visited by the Nigbot, what a world to be alive in.

@Tfmonkey what is your perspective on ephebephilia? I think it is

@37712 Literally nobody uses the word "ephebephilia" except pedophiles who want to differentiate themselves from the 'bad pedophiles'. It's like people who insist they're Otakus and not Weebs.

If you're in your early 20s and you have a 17 year old girlfriend, I don't think you should be on a sex offender list. However, if you're in your 30s or 40s, yes you should be.

If you're old enough to be their dad, and they're underage, you're a pedophile as far as I'm concerned.

@Tfmonkey lets agree to disagree cuz Amish ppl marry their 25 - 30 yr old guys to 14 - 16 girls and with muslims the gap is even wider, also islam is the future.

@Tfmonkey @37712 Yes, but don't females complete puberty at 16? I mean a 17 year old can't run a house or clean and rear children, but she is fully developed. Why is there a difference between a 30 or 40 year old taking a 17 year old girlfriend than a 20 year old taking a q7 year old girlfriend. The 30 year old is in a much better position to take care of a woman. These women going for "men their own age" is troubling. I think this is older feminists trying to put themselves out as viable.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey puberty varies a lot, males start puberty later than females, females start puberty at around 9 to 11 and end puberty at about 12 - 14 yrs old. The average female in the US starts her first menstruatuion at 12 yrs old meaning she is past puerty. Females develop at a younger age than males, tha is why they also have growth spurt earlier than males and this is also why you some times see some cases of 9 yr old girls getting pregnant.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey I have also known of girls lousing their virginity at 12 yrs old, and not with the males their age, no, those kids' balls have not even dropped yet, they find guys who are sometimes 18 yrs old and fuck them.

@37712 @Tfmonkey I agree. In fact I'm willing to bet if they have not had sex at age 12, the have at least sucked the dick of guys they like. Sex is "old hat" to females because they can win sex so easily; with minimal effort.

@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey out sociel structures are so backwards from what nature dictates, the Amish and Muslim really have it right. Maybe it should not end in taking womans rights away but also arranged marriages and if we are going that far then are weomen even ppl anymore? They are more like a commodity, a resource.

@37712 @Tfmonkey Amish and Islam have certain things right but are still disfavorable towards men. Colttaine did a video on this.
Arranged marriage is a viable solution since it removes the female from the decision making. They certainly have to have some liking of each other, but men ought not to be married st a young age. This "age appropriate" pairing where both are similar age is nonsense. Older, established men are ideal candidates for marriage to young girls


@sardonicsmile @Tfmonkey I completely agree with you. No system is perfect but the Amish and Muslim system at least work with nature and not against it like our modern system does. Women are terrible at picking a partner.

@37712 @nice-nigger @Tfmonkey - indeed! An absolute hell of a world.

We will make it better. 🍻

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey I am glad I am not a Pedofile,I like adult age pussy more than used up hit the wall pussy,But I thought CNY referred to Cunts Need You. I don’t know your anime geek speak, but I do know that 16 will get ya 20, except in Alabama and Arkansas with the single moms approval,which can be paid for by all kinds of currency.

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