I don't care what normies say I don't align myself with the dickless right or the autistic alt-right.

I'm just a common-sense man who wants to be left alone and doesn't want to go extinct.

@basedbagel if you dont have kids then you are going extinct. your kids are your message to the future the way in which you impose your will on the future. the way in which you can keep alive your values, culture, religion for the future. if you have not kids then you have no future.

the future belongs to those who have kids and raise them.

@37712 @basedbagel - I dunno about you guys, but I plan on having my kids in the aftermath... too dangerous beforehand.

It's a gamble (collapse might take a while). But that's one more reason why the acceleration doesn't bother me. 🍻

@YoMomz @basedbagel how about you do like the muslim and have them before during and after. cuz believe me the after is never coming.


@37712 @basedbagel - Well, I already had one... and that went very poorly. I legitimately considered declaring war on the state over it 🤔, but in the end, I chose the path of restraint.

And honestly, even as badly as it went, it could've gone much, much worse. So, I won't be repeating that poor judgement on my part (believing fairness exists, within this system).

I don't know if we'll live to see the dust of collapse settle, but perhaps we may. Care to place a wager? What could we bet? 🤨🍻

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@YoMomz @basedbagel would you say that it was a complete failure and wait of time to have your kid, even in the worst of scenarios it is not all lost. would you say that they are at least somewhat like you. I know that when you have kids you are basically walking on a mine field but there are some who are able to make it.

I think the worst case scenario would be if your wife divorces you and completely turns your kids against you and makes then trans.

@37712 @basedbagel - She's southern black, so there's no way she's ever getting on the trans train - thank God.

He was ten years old though, when I first met him. She decided she wasn't happy, and left when she was pregnant. I suspect the main motive was control. And the govt, at every level, supported her in that crime. I seethed for justice, and contemplated a John Rambo Jihad.

I feared the worst for him - raised in a matriarchal ghetto and all that... But after seeing him, I could tell he ➡️

@37712 @basedbagel- surrounded by good people in her family, that loved him and looked out for him. And he's a good kid - smart, kind-hearted, and polite.

So overall, I can't say I regret it. But I would not go through that again. The margin for "making the news" was much, much too close for comfort. And I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.

Pretty funny, looking back... I came home with 3 guns one day, and my own family was looking nervous, like "You okay, buddy?"

I was not okay back then. 🤔😅

@37712 @basedbagel - Man! I'm looking at my posts today... And it seems like a downer-day...

But that's not the case, just so you guys know. This is just life that I'm sharing. And I've been enjoying the conversation with you guys.

I'm actually having a pretty good day. 🫡 Life is good, and I'm hoping you guys are too. I'm just adding 2¢ where it may be relevant - that's all. Cheers! 😁🍻

@YoMomz @basedbagel thanks for sharing your story, I hope to have my own kids pretty soon. I welcome all points of view specially those that challenge my own. I am glad that you have a good kid and when you are gone your kid will hopefully live on to make great things in the world and that is what I want. I am one of those guys who is willing to walk on the mine field to have a family. For me life without the a family is just kind of an empty life without a goal or reason to continue.

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