Another "guru" turns out to be fake. The "Liver King" was taking $11,000 in steroids each month in order to sell supplements.

If you want to look like these celebrities, just buy steroids.

If you want to fuck beautiful women, rent them via escorts.

Everything is fake and gay.


@Tfmonkey - I like taking GNC's various house brands of protein supplements when I need to build up. With some of the botanical derivatives, I suppose it's a bit of a grey area... 🤔 But sometimes you gotta be big. Like for example, when facing prison time - don't show up small. Or if you plan to be a warlord in a post-collapse hellscape... muscles help.

I think the bill for a pretty intense supplement regimen though, amounts to well under a grand/mo. 💁🏻‍♂️ $11,000 is ridiculous. 😶😔

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