
Another "guru" turns out to be fake. The "Liver King" was taking $11,000 in steroids each month in order to sell supplements.

If you want to look like these celebrities, just buy steroids.

If you want to fuck beautiful women, rent them via escorts.

Everything is fake and gay.

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@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @Tfmonkey idk what you mean by a "reverse tranny" but no, competitive bodybuilders don't use steroids for "sex change"

@CumskinFoidPuncher69420 @Tfmonkey technically it's not just bodybuilders who take steroids to enhance their physique & performance. It's almost all professional athletes. & Sometimes even middle aged men who want to feel better through trt. Ig they'll want to be alphas after all...

@Tfmonkey @Tfmonkey more plates more dates talked about it months ago. He got insider emails showing details of the roids liar kang took daily.

@Tfmonkey It does not surprise me that he was on steroids, as he has a body that is almost impossible to attain naturally.

You can pick 2 out of the three:


Given he was big and lean, he clearly was not natural.

You can still lift weights and get a decent appearance while being natural. You just might not look as impressive for the normie masses who do not realize that you need to be taking steroids to look like this guy.

@Tfmonkey - I like taking GNC's various house brands of protein supplements when I need to build up. With some of the botanical derivatives, I suppose it's a bit of a grey area... 🤔 But sometimes you gotta be big. Like for example, when facing prison time - don't show up small. Or if you plan to be a warlord in a post-collapse hellscape... muscles help.

I think the bill for a pretty intense supplement regimen though, amounts to well under a grand/mo. 💁🏻‍♂️ $11,000 is ridiculous. 😶😔

@Tfmonkey I will stick with my Super Male Vitality to retain my Alex Jones like physique.

@Tfmonkey I guess you already know this, one can actually have a fit muscular body without any aid of steroids. However, super muscle mass & super lean involves steroids & other PEDS. There are also natural bodybuilders who compete naturally in a natty bodybuilding competition. They are also pretty big & lean just not as lean & big as one with steroids, which is done in professional bodybuilding.

@Tfmonkey That is old news dude. Ryan Long made fun of this guy months ago.

@Tfmonkey Evwrything is fake and gay because everything is about materialism. Money, social status, and sex...the Three Pillars of Materialism. The first two you just need enough of to sustain life and be left alone by other people. The last is just a luxury.

I'll never support Jesus Fascism (you can't even make people love God anyways), but I understand the sentiment of pointing people back to the divine over this celebrate-the-ego materialist nonsense we have today.

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