Random Subject Poll ('cause why not?)

I've been pondering abuse. It does exist, but it's been horribly weaponized via false accusations (as we all know).

So I want to get the temperature of the room for this definition: Abuse happens when someone is unable to leave.

@YoMomz bad definition because people define "unable" as a hit to their lifestyle. For example, I hate my job but I'm unable to quit because I need the money, and thus I'm being exploited/enslaved/abused because I'm "unable to leave".

Communists use the same logic to argue that employers are exploiting their workers by taking advantage for their need for income.



Abuse is more about imbalance to me than ability to leave.

For example :

Let's say a kid misbehaves

Spanking a kid on the ass is not abuse.

Punching your kid like an anime protagonist = abuse.

By your definition either one could be abuse because the kid can't leave.


@basedbagel @Tfmonkey @FinalDresdonation - Well, shit. I done got BTFO'd... 😂

I'm thinking of guiding principles for a (patriarchal, welfare-less) post-collapse community. And I was hoping I managed to articulate a worthwhile principle.

I was thinking of emotional abuse, and how it isn't really a thing - except when applied to children. And I thought: maybe because they can't leave? 🤔

But I appreciate you guys pointing out the flaws. Back to the drawing board for me.

Cheers, gents. 🍻

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@YoMomz @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation emotional abuse happens throughout society and is one of those "It's okay when we do it" things.

How do you think boys are taught to let girls hit them and that they have no worth as a human being outside as a sacrifice for women? It's all emotional abuse.

Also, emotional abuse accusations often simply mean hurt feelings and not getting your way, and again only apply when one side does it, and not the other side.

@Tfmonkey @basedbagel @FinalDresdonation - I don't disagree with that assessment of the current state.

Collapse is a golden, once-a-millenia opportunity to make improvements. So my ideas are often detached from (though informed by) the current paradigm.

I figure: implement ideas at a local level, via incentives (not at gunpoint like now)... against the backdrop of the wasteland to come. And the best (most effective at resulting in good outcomes), will rise to the top.

Batting for the ages. 🍻

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