I'm like 80% sure this guy has to be in our server / instance / stream chats with us and he's found his people. 🤣


@RoninGrey - Man! I really need a suit of armor... 🤔😂

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@YoMomz @RoninGrey

Just imagine how legendary bar fights would get if we brought back suits of armor.

@YoMomz @RoninGrey

I'd open a bar called "The Adventurers Arms" and let dwarves drink for free.

@UncleIroh @YoMomz @RoninGrey

LOL good luck making armor for a population of 70% obese/overweight people.

You'd be better off bringing sumo wrestling back, its more fitting

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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.