
@Justicar - I'm no economist... 🤔 And I'm trying to figure out if 100% tariffs would act to alleviate, or exacerbate the effects of hyperinflation. 🤔❓🤷🏻‍♂️

I gotta look for my @Tfmonkey signal... I know I left it around here somewhere...🔦

@YoMomz @Justicar @Tfmonkey I recommend using
Delta Chat, XMMP or Session

Not ((( Telegram)))
Not ((( Signal )))

@YoMomz @Tfmonkey usa has trading deficit. by adding tariffs it will make imports more expensive. so people will buy less from other countries and will be buy more locally because it should be cheaper without tariffs even with higher manufacturing cost. but in the end the consumer pays more and it will cause consumers to change their spending habits. since things are expensive and people have lowered spending capacity, paying more will devastate the economy and cause companies to close and layo

@Justicar @YoMomz tariffs are a tax, which only makes prices higher. The intent is to make domestic good more attractive by making foreign goods more expensive, but the money just goes in the government's pockets, so it's just another sales tax.

@Justicar @YoMomz @Tfmonkey Or you could lower the cost of the domestic product by, I don't know, lowering government regulations?

There is literally no reason whatsoever that the prices cannot be lowered by simply removing government from the equation.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz saying "removing government regulation" is misleading because it's really things like minimum wage and mandatory benefits for workers, and environmental regulations to prevent pollution for manufacturing.

Most people would be in favor of lowering costs, but wouldn't be in favor of eliminating benefits, lowering pay, and enabling corporate pollution (even more than they already do).

@Tfmonkey @Justicar @YoMomz Well lowering the governments footprint in general is a good idea. I agree it probably will never happen, but that's really beside the point.

As for pollution the government allows any corporation they like to pollute all day long. Just look at Norfolk Southern.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz Correct, the power of corruption is that you have over-regulation AND selective enforcement, so that it's too expensive for most people to do business, but if you bribe enough politicians, you are above the law and can do anything you want.

You can't solve corruption with more laws. You need to actually rise up and overthrow the ruling class and publicly execute them in an Uno-reverse Nuremberg Trial.

@realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz well if we're talking preferences, I'm a fan of the classic impalement spike. It's simple and it makes a statement.

@Tfmonkey @realman543 @Justicar @YoMomz
Halloween Decorations Ideas,
it is time to make those impalement spikes and repurpose your used Sex Doll collection, in your suburban California neighborhood for the Mexicans to mow around I suggest dressing them culturally appropriate making sure the whole community is represented so you won't be considered racist!

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