How to turn any ebook into an audiobook:
Step 1: Download the PDF
Step 2: Open it in Microsoft edge
Edge has a feature called read aloud which narrates the book in your preferred voice/accent. (I prefer the Sonia voice)
Listening to audiobooks on long walks as it makes me feel like a philosopher and now you can do the same. 😎
@basedbagel I often read webnovels so I started using free website text to speech.
For example
Thanks for sharing! @Stahesh
@basedbagel how do you make it in to an audio file? Also for those wgo dont knoe edge is also available for Linux
Edge isn't able to turn it into an audio file but if you want to you can try if it's under 50mb
@basedbagel but Microsoft edge is so intrusive and annoying for me I would rather have Windows XP or even back to DOS then let them take over everything without my permission,but I may be a bit controlling and want freedom And I need to let bugs in a pod and take long walks.