These new m1 macbooks are INSANE you guys.

It's runs virtual machines like its nothing and I can edit 4k video without hearing a single fan!

I'm still not an apple fan but I'm impressed

@basedbagel wtf why burn ur money on apple when windows machines are vastly more powerful ? i have never understood apple faggotry


I have 4 laptops.

1 Linux
2 windows
1 m1 macbook

The m1 macbook unlike windows has no fragmentation so it's better optimized for things like video editing

It also runs on an tricked out arm processor so you don't have to hear an airplane takeoff anytime cpu usage goes above 50%

I'm not an apple fan, they're just tools in my toolbox.

The M1 Mac is just my go to tool for video editing animation and virtual machines

@basedbagel @dander

Makes superficial sense, but it doesn't bear closer scrutiny.

There's nothing you can't do on Mac that someone isn't already successfully doing in linux. And most likely on actively developed FOSS, though that doesn't have to be the case.

On the flipside, PC + gaming. And since WSL2 on Windows 10/11 runs most linux distros + docker, I have found almost no reason over the last few years to fire up the iMac.

Also Mac security/privacy is a disgrace.

@UncleIroh @dander U se mac for some things because they just work better due to the better optimization.

Privacy doesn't matter to me because the MAC is only for work. But Windows 11 is just as bad if not worst when it comes t privacy IMO

I'm switching to Ubuntu because Windows keeps fucking up things that work in favor of being trendy.

Gaming on windows is superior but I don't game much these days.

@UncleIroh @dander

Also a Mac is a little more secure due to it's lower install base making it not as worthwhile to create exploits for as windows.

It's not perfect but it has it's uses, especially if you do creative work.

Like I said before m1 the only apple product i liked was the ipad.

I would encourage you to try an M1 out it's a game changer for my workflow.

@basedbagel @dander

I'll pass on the M1. I've seen too many people paying the early adoption price of waiting for hardware patches/upgrades, incompatible software and exotic workarounds.

These things get resolved over time, but that's what you get for taking on 1st gen hardware.

Also for the same price of an M1, my work laptop can use 32Gb RAM whereas that's only possible on the pricier M1 Pro.

@UncleIroh @dander

I would recommend trying it at a best buy and you might be impressed.

This thing is optimized so well I hardly use the 32gb on my m1 pro and I'm running multiple VMs while rendering 4k video.

It got a little warm but no fan noise and I LOVE it!

But I understand I have specific narrow use case that justifies the absurd price. (Plus I got a student discount)

@basedbagel @dander

I'm regularly running 10+ concurrent VMs on my very old linux laptop with no issue. There's simply no use case for me in using an M1 and my security and privacy is way better, both from a hardware and software stance.

@UncleIroh @dander Are they modern OS' though?

I have windows 10, 11, linux mint, ubuntu 22, and kali running like BUTTER with no fan noise.

I know I have a niche use case but I think it's reductive to dismiss the utility of a mac altogether.

Everything has it's use.

@basedbagel @dander

Latest and greatest kernels yes. Plus I perform the odd hardware mod, flashing chips etc..

Also you can't run QubesOS on Mac hardware.

There really is nothing about a Mac that could entice me, their comparitive security/privacy is disgraceful.

@UncleIroh @dander

Fair enough, I love QubesOS but found it clunky as a daily driver.

I like my work mac because:

gigabit internet + m1 chip = blazing fast turnaround for clients.

As a new business the best way I can over-deliver is via sped.

You'll never hear a client say:

"Damn that was great! But can you get it back to me slower next time?"

@basedbagel @dander

QubesOS is an almost perfect match for me, fluid and efficient.

Also, there's the trilemna of speed, quantity, quality - pick 2 and pick well since you can't have all 3.

@UncleIroh @basedbagel @dander Thinking about switching an old laptop to it. Any good places to start. I've sort of looked into all this, but W11 I never wsnt to use. Also would there be issues with a W11 Preinstall being removed for linux entirely considering newer hardware can be fucky.

@FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @dander

IMO start with Linux mint or Ubuntu.

Then you can branch out based on your use case.

Also I recommend starting with a virtual machine so if you break something you can just revert to a snapshot.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @dander I've heard a bit about Mint. What would be a good VM to start with? I know there're a few different ones on the 'market'


@FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @dander

So to run your vm I recommend virtual box.

Then get linux mint from

Then I would just take a free course on youtube for the basics and you're off to the races!

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@basedbagel @FinalDresdonation @UncleIroh @dander Do not, my friends, become addicted to the internet.It will take hold of you, and you will resent its absence!

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