
How to use youtube without supporting google:

1. Newpipe- Android app that removes ads, has background play and you can download videos.

2. invidious- alternative front end for youtube that does the same things as newpipe. But you may have to change instances alot becaues YT keeps blocking them.

3. Libretube- Android app using an invidious backend with a nice UI. Not as stable as newpipe though.

4. Freetube- Desktop app that saves all your sub data locally, watch ad-free and skip sponsors

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My personal favorite is newpipe on android and freetube on pc/windows/mac.

Once you get used to watching YT without ads/sponsors you can't go back.


I've been using those for so long I get surprised on the odd occasion when i watch an actual YT video at how shitty the experience is.

I post YT links here though because sometimes the instances go down as you say.

I think there are settings in Mastodon where you define default alternatives for all social media - nitter, teddit, invidious/piped - and it converts links on the fly to use those instead.

AMR would have to set that up though.

@UncleIroh "how shitty the experience is."

It wasn't always so shitty. After the ad-pocalypse I was inundated with the SAME sponsored messages so much I felt like I was an unwitting MK-ULTRA participant.

"I post YT links here though because sometimes the instances go down as you say."

True but there are new ones everyday despite YT sending them a cease and desist they're still going strong!

Good things happen when you don't cuck. If only the right knew this...

@basedbagel When you spend years working ridiculous hours you tend to find pretty quick the things that let you listen in the background to save battery power and be ad free lol. Glad you've found this stuff.

@FinalDresdonation Damn right lol

You're welcome I'm glad to do my part in boycotting YT.


NewPipe is seriously good though. The playlists feature is a godsend. And you can export it all and import into invidious.


I agree it's #1 for a reason.

It also shocks me how fast they update it when YT tries to break it.

I need to donate to them they earned it!


Definitely. Those guys are doing everyone a solid service.

In FDroid, you can add the newpipe repo so that you get new versions quicker.

@UncleIroh Thank you for reminding me!

I had it on my old phone but I got a new one and haven't done that yet.

Gonna do than right now

@basedbagel I used adblock on PC

Sadly for some reason it stopped working

So I now use Brave pretty good for blocking ads.

@MrpoopyButhole Good find! This is a fantastic idea.

I just hope they don't give it the Gab treatment and ban it off the app stores but I'm optimistic

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