History is pretty clear on the fact that jews only know to kick their host in the knee 'till it collapse, and have no real plan beyond that, no idea about how to even capitalize on it, and are even pretty garbage at even detecting when the collapse will happen on their face.
They just flee everywhere they can, use the collapse they created as a sob story to get inside the next host, and repeat - all with no real final plan, just to sabotage everything constantly.

Once they get rid of whites, they will probably go extinct.
Only whites are kind and trustful enough for this kind of antic to work, and jews can't operate a functional society by themselves, in isolation they have even more dysfunctional than women.


>they will probably go extinct.

That's highly unlikely.

2 black people can make a white baby. It happens everyday.

Nature's biodiversity wouldn't allow for the extinction of any race barring nuclear war.

>Only whites are kind and trustful enough

There is no evidence that your race makes you more kind or trustful.

it all comes down to your genetic personality traits like Agreeableness and openness to new experiences.

Superior Bloodlines > Superior Race


@basedbagel, your take here is retarded. By your own "bloodline" argument you would have to conclude that Jews are genetically predisposed to what all other peoples across history have defined as massively dysfunctional.

They are what they are.

@VooDooMedic, the big differences this time around:

* they have a country to fuck off back to now, but they won't unless forced.

* they have run out of hosts. The internet means their bullshit is forever documented.

@UncleIroh @VooDooMedic

>your take here is retarded

No it isn't. It's a solid evidence-backed hypothesis.

>you would have to conclude that Jews are genetically predisposed

I don't have to conclude anything until I finish 200 years together.

Without any peer reviewed studies I don't know what compels the Jews to do what do they do.

I just want them to stop killing people Palestine and fucking with our $$ supply.

@basedbagel @UncleIroh @VooDooMedic what compels the Jew narrative is power,the belief that when their messiah returns they will be all powerful.The sect in control believes the more sin they can create on Earth will hasten his appearance,and as long as they are working towards that goal their participation in evil is a justified sin because they are righteous


@UncleIroh @VooDooMedic

While I don't necessarily disagree with you @Scubbie how do you account for atheist jews?

It makes no sense to me how they claim religion on one hand then race and then culture whenever it's convenient.

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@basedbagel @UncleIroh @VooDooMedic they infiltrate all religions even become the fervent Zealot and take over and subvert it by way of deception even this sin is justified as long as they are doing it In order to bring forth their messiah

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