

When Halsey says "nigger" in a Morning Constitutional, do you edit them out?

I'm trying to find this moment involving Halsey saying "nigger" and a Mark Twain book, but I can't find it. I know it happened on the Morning Constitutional of May 22nd, 2024.

@kaiservenom no I don't want to get Halsey banned from YouTube so I avoid saying it but if Halsey says it and gets his own channel banned that his own darn fault.

@Tfmonkey @kaiservenom He can’t get banned from YouTube silly,he has a shield remember

@Scubbie @Tfmonkey @kaiservenom Yea otherwise it would be antisemitic.

Like you do not want for jews to say nigger are you hitler and want to kill all jews? :happyjewishmerchant:

Bro we jews are not white goy :happyjewishmerchant:

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