
What if porn, robot AI and sex dolls are the only thing preventing men from a mental breakdown where they might snap back at the society that enslaves them

Someone might say it is good these things exist to prevent men from snapping

But what if progress never can be made in society until men truly snap and use defensive force against the government that is violently enslaving them

What if taking men's comfort away is good because snapping would be a good thing

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@shortstories I'm willing to bet the ones embracing those things are not the ones who are unwilling to XYZ.

@shortstories Men should learn to be wild animals not be the domesticated one.


A honey dew list is a list of things that the wife tells her husband to do

A honey badger is a code for a nagging wife

@shortstories the vast majority of men would kill themselves before they would "snap back" against a corrupt system.

If what you were saying were true, the family court would have been burned to the ground a thousand times over.

@shortstories I agree. A "snapper" should take a bite out of the porn industry so more can snap


I am not endorsing initiating any violent action

I never said that someone should commit violence against that industry

I am thinking more about the government outlawing the industry resulting in a "snapper"

Thus laws against it might be beneficial n order to make the system crumble faster

Why would there be laws against it.

1 The government loves any excuse to censor anything

2 Feminists want to force men to marry women of bad character then divorce them and take their money

@shortstories taking a dude's money is better than taking his soul through porn. yeah I hope the feminists leap at that one

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