Dreizin analysis of the current situation and its impact.

Conclusion: ukraine will take a backseat now because everyone can see it's a failure.

@Tfmonkey update.

He predicts if israel resorts to tactical nukes, then ukraine better start shitting itself.

What happened yesterday was the nigger swan event of the year.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan everyone is going to get nuked when the Cathedral falls, but the only alternative is surrender and slavery, so . . . ya know.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Some people think nukes are not real

Even if nukes are not real there still might be such a thing as a lot of bombs or very big bombs

I always wonder how come the video camera filming the blast is not destroyed

Nukes might be real though, I really do not know

I just hope they are fake and we do not have to worry

The math is very simple the change in mass between the new elements and the old elements times the speed of light squared equals the energy emitted

Nah, unfortunately, I do believe they are real. Still not gonna be enough to free us from this solar system, though. At best, might accelerate our ending.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan I'm not dying a slave. If my only choices are to surrender to you, or you'll push a button and nuke us both, then I'm going to make you push that button.

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