Dreizin analysis of the current situation and its impact.

Conclusion: ukraine will take a backseat now because everyone can see it's a failure.


@Tfmonkey update.

He predicts if israel resorts to tactical nukes, then ukraine better start shitting itself.

What happened yesterday was the nigger swan event of the year.

@Tfmonkey Lol. Lmao even.

I've also heard remarks asking why israel was so easily overwhelmed and why their response was so slow. Zionist bros, I don't think israel is feeling so good.

@Tfmonkey Dreizin is now saying Israel and the US are preparing for long-term operations. Where normally uncle sam tells israel to shut the fuck up & chill out because muslims are rabid animals & it causes domestic trouble in europe, now the US is expecting bigger problems. He says the FBI needs to pivot from MAGA to Islamists immediately because these domestic troubles are only going to get worse.

In summary, expect things to get worse.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

A no-shit random Black Swan? Or a well planned maneuver designed to put US/Israel on the horns of a resource dilemna?

This is like covid jabs and Ukraine all over again - it forces people to reveal their beliefs and loyalties. I've learned alot about the people i know these last few years.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
It was obviously planned by the enemies of israel. And it's also a nasty surprise. So both. It's a black swan that will shift the geopolitical playing field.

The only thing that matters is how it will affect oil and gas.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

The energy commodities angle is important yes.

More important to me however is the information war and who controls it. If this results in the collapse of Zionist control over Western conservatives and media, that's a lot. That's immigration, retreat from Globalism, news, education, etc.. It's GloboHomo collapse.


@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey
>If this results in the collapse of Zionist control over Western conservatives

No. Mainstream conservatives are will never turn on israel. Every single one of them has been virtue signaling all day and night over this attack. Democrats are pro israel. Only people on the fringe question support for israel. There is no "if." It won't happen.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

I'm not as blackpilled on that. At some inflection point there has to be a reduction in the amount of Jew cock-sucking.

More voters want an end to the humiliation ritual of politicians sucking Jew cock.

More want answers to the question of "open borders for me but not for thee", and more voters are concerned with the cost and security implications of open borders.

Let Jew cock-sucking be the metric.

@UncleIroh @Tfmonkey every leader of the right. Every single presidential candidate has jew jew cum on their lips.

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan there is no plan anymore. They plan failed. They're shitting their pants right now, even more so than usual because of their age.

@ButtWorldsMan @Scubbie @Tfmonkey

Agreed, give me some mind-bending tinfold wearing gymanstic theories of wtf the cathedral is planning todo

@37712 @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey So the cultist which are those that say they are the Jews but are not otherwise they’re not really the true Israelites but infiltrators want to fulfill a prophecy the prophecy includes the rebuilding of the temple for that to happen the Dome Of the rock needs to be destroyed legitimately put on your tinfoil hats look at the propaganda and be ready for their Messiah

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey they need their 6 million jews to die and their temple in the rock to be destroyed so that they can bring in their antichrist

@Scubbie @ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey The 6B was previously confiscated by the US (via IMF?) and held by S Korea. The prisoner exchange deal included the $6B.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey

It's the art of war.

Project more power when you have less, hide power when you have more.

It's difficut to get accurate news on this. Zionist billionaires control Western media, while MIddle Eastern news is also fucked.

What we end up with is this Hasbara vs Wahhabi pissing contest over who can produce the fakest and gayest news.

Ryan Dawson has personal contacts in Gaza, Israel, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon, but more news sources would be good.

@ButtWorldsMan Israel is now the new Ukraine, and they're about to genocide the Palestinians with American fingerprints all over it.

Hopefully the Islamic terrorists target government buildings and not innocent people.

@Tfmonkey i want all the CIA and FBI employees to hear jihadi music outside their office. As soon as they open a window or go home they will hear it playing. Always there as a reminder.

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey That is Sargon, yes. I made this for him and this meme is multiple years old.

@ButtWorldsMan @Tfmonkey just so we’re clear, it wouldn’t be news if the shopkeeper was male?

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

I don't buy that analysis. The 2nd/3rd/4th order effects of such a plan only make sense inside of a Samson option, or a serious push towards NeoCon Zio-adjacent war with Iran.

Still, global jihad against Zionists everywhere seems unavoidable. And hey, coinkydink, there's now a crapton of fighting age Muslims inside US and Europe!

This timeline needs better story writers.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan everyone is going to get nuked when the Cathedral falls, but the only alternative is surrender and slavery, so . . . ya know.

@Tfmonkey @ButtWorldsMan

Some people think nukes are not real

Even if nukes are not real there still might be such a thing as a lot of bombs or very big bombs

I always wonder how come the video camera filming the blast is not destroyed

Nukes might be real though, I really do not know

I just hope they are fake and we do not have to worry

The math is very simple the change in mass between the new elements and the old elements times the speed of light squared equals the energy emitted

Nah, unfortunately, I do believe they are real. Still not gonna be enough to free us from this solar system, though. At best, might accelerate our ending.

@shortstories @ButtWorldsMan I'm not dying a slave. If my only choices are to surrender to you, or you'll push a button and nuke us both, then I'm going to make you push that button.

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