
just fyi:
- bolsheviks = jews
- troskists = jews
- marxists = jews
- social gospel = jews(yep, look into it)
- frankfurt school = jews
- cultural marxism = jews
- banking, education, media, entertainment, porn, government... = jews

How did it take you this long to figure out that it was the jews all along

@37712 @Tfmonkey That's a bold claim! Can I see your sources? Was Mao also a Jew?

@DoubleD @Tfmonkey Mao was not a jew, communism was pushed into china by communist jewish russia at the time. I also dont have a study or source to prove that water is wet but I also make the claim that water is wet.

@37712 @Tfmonkey It's one thing to say that water is wet or that George Washington was a president of the US, but if you're going to make a claim like "social gospel = jews" I want to see some evidence.


@DoubleD @37712 @Tfmonkey

If the social gospel means taxing people to give to the poor

Although both the old and new testament support voluntary charity to give to the poor and there even is an old testament tithe

Using violence, theft, kidnapping or fraud to force people to tithe or give to the poor against their will and calling it taxation violates the old and new testament

(Word limit prevents me from listing verses)

Jesus say pay tax?

Paying taxes is not a sin
Enforcing taxes is a sin

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