
The funniest comment I heard recently on one of the shows was the person who paid for the comment to say Turd Flinging Monkey show was spending too much time answering paid comments. This person was one of the primary reasons why so much time was spent answering paid comments because they posted a very large number of paid comments or questions to respond to

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@shortstories He was just using that as an excuse. What he wants is for less people to have input on the show. He has infinite money, clearly, and would still pay every show. But someone who has a single, odd question here and there would be unlikely to pay ten fucking dollars to ask a faceless dude his opinion on anything.

It only strengthens my belief that these guys who send TFM nonstop donations, every stream, are government-funded gay ops Feds.

@shortstories I want TFM to make money, but fuck them. I'd donate more if I could have my question answered before 4am thanks to the bombardment of these handful of asswipes. And TFM takes too long answering them because he wants to provide value for $5. Sometimes I just need him to say, no or yes, and here's why, but he often goes on tirades against a ghost problem that doesn't exist in a question. And because it's $5 and a 4 hour wait, you can't have a conversation in between the Fed blasts.

@RoninGrey @shortstories

I'm glad someone else said this so I don't feel so paranoid.

But it's not paranoia if they're actually out to get you

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