I thought the whole point of Bitcoin was to BYPASSS the banking institutions.

Why are people championing a Bitcoin EFT?!🤦‍♂️

Please tell me there was a conspiracy where they systematically got rid of everyone who believed in the true vision of crypto?

@basedbagel Because people still don't get it. The point is to be able to transact with anyone in the world without having to trust any intermediary, without anyone being able to get in the way of the transaction. And it does that very well.

There kind of was a conspiracy like that. When Satoshi let go, he handed the project to a bunch of morons who didn't hide their identities. This means they can individually be targeted by governments. That's why bitcoin is not monero.


@Mongoliaboo @basedbagel @UncleIroh
Max Igan warned that bitcoin and all electronic money transactions at stores as well as self checkouts was part of a series of steps to enslave humanity

Eventually leading to tracking the purchases of people based on their biological data so that your money can be shut down preventing you from making purchases any time the world rulers want and that with the removal of physical objects such as cash there would be no alternative way to make purchases

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