@sardonicsmile I was about to listen to all of this then i realised i had to listen to a woman talk so i stopped listening.

@Brianhere @sardonicsmile Yea it is so hard to focus when women talk.

They hate us because they need us more than we need them.

They are weak, slow and less intelligent than men. Their strong side is to mentally manipulate men and make babies.

They are so bitter because they know they need to depend on men for their survival.


@Stahesh @Brianhere @sardonicsmile

This is from South Korea

Some people consider South Korea to be the most religiously Confucian country in the world, I would suggest North Korea is the most Confuciam country in the world.

I would suggest Confucianism is the most cult like religion in the world

Anyone from Korea is going to be messed up in the head more than your average person unless they tell you why Confucianism is bad for society and factually incorrect

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