How sad it is that a basic concept like evolution is still so heatedly debated in current year, when people in Ancient Greece already grasped it?

Abrahamic religions really are the worst thing that ever happened to mankind.


Answers in Genesis basically admits evolution happens but refuse to call it evolution

They insist on calling it natural selection and artificial selection instead

And these are the "extremist" young earth creationists

Basically almost everyone believes evolution is happening right now even Christians

The debate is if humanity came into existence through a specific list of previous species in a specific order on a specific timeline through a big bang


In my opinion there is no evidence for the big bang nor evidence for the evolutionary timeline and missing links

But there is evidence that life forms experience natural selection in the present to change the frequency of their genetic expressions as a population

This can be done by growing plant crops with artificial selection or putting bacteria or microscopic life forms under different criteria in a culture in the lab



Although I think there is zero evidence for a big bang billions of years ago there is also zero evidence for a young earth creation story 6000 years ago

I do not think science is meant to determine ancient history that far back

Science is meant for making decisions in the present using models

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