@Tfmonkey The idea that Russia wouldn't retaliate to the west nuking them is ridiculous. The Russia has a system in place called "the dead hand" which will automatically nuke the west if the west does a strategic first strike. This automated system does not give a fuck about politics or empathy, because its basically a simple yet robust expert system (AI precursor) that does not blink when threatened.

So next time Halsey says "nuh uh" bring this up "the dead hand."

@Engineer @Tfmonkey

How would they know the AI would work if they never could test it without nuking something and how do they know the AI will not accidentally nuke at some random unintended time in which no one is attacking them?

@shortstories @Engineer @Tfmonkey I feel like those systems are not real, they are just propaganda to deterr


Fake Nukes Phil is so convinced Nukes are not real that he calls himself fake nukes

He is in a lot of videos talking about how stuff is fake

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