
A bitch decides to leave a relationship. Despite getting $25K per month in Child support.
Then starts leaking private videos with no context and teams up with a simp to attack his public reputation.



Was Hillary Crowder named after Hillary Clinton?

@tournel OK can you bring me up to speed on the gay Jared thing pls

@37712 All I know is, he's a former employee at LouderWithCrowder. From his view, he was mistreated by Crowder. On his way out however, he signed a Non-disparagement agreement which he is now breaking by joining in on the PR attack against Steven Crowder

@tournel ok I understand that, can you know explain to me why we are getting together to defend a jew? Will you be asking that we go defend jewlandia next? Is feminism now the creation of the jews and they end up also suffering the consequences?

@tournel Fuck her, but fuck Steve, too. He has a visible body count of former co-hosts. Working for him must be a nightmare.

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