I went to HR to quit, and they didnt even wanted to see me, hell they acted as if i was going to harm them, cuz i told them i wanted to see them today.

And they even rejected my request to quit and i have to see the investigation still the end. Mean while am not earning and the bitch who accuse me is still getting paid while getting peomoted...

I knew woman were bad, bu not this veil.


@RodrickSage dud they dont own you just write up a quick resignationletter and give it to anyone at the office and leave, or if they are already at the level of ignoring you and treating you like you are a criminal then why even waist your time just inagine that they already fired you and dont answer any of their questions or emails or phone calls just focus on getting another job

@37712 well, they said theh will call me... at this point am nlt going to go anywhere and they told me not to go to the workplace either...

@RodrickSage @37712 Company and HR are not your friends.

You should start your plans because company and HR really do not care about you.

.Only you are the one who cares about you. So Fuck them and be selfish.

Be unethical if it is not ilegal nobody really cares.

Wha they will do? Shame you more or talk bad behind your back?

You can use AI to write you good polite fuck you letter that you quit or scare them with legal actions.

@RodrickSage @37712 if they told you not to go to work then they fired you,go file a claim at unemployment not sure which state your in but don’t quit, you can contest the firing and draw unemployment you will have a phone interview state your claim look for a new job if you loose the claim you will have to repay unemployment

@redmaple @RodrickSage agreed consult a layer or contact your city ir state gov for wronfull termination or something

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