Just thinking: When females start to pivot, NEVER forget how silent they were when they knew there were no consequences for their opinions/behavior.
NEVER believe these chameleon tratthots.

@sardonicsmile I have made it a personal rule not to help women in my life unless it can negatively impact me, so for example I dont help women in the office to carry heavy stuff I just tell them that I am busy but I would also not open the door for them, I will at most hold the door open if I would do the same for someone of the same sex.

@37712 @sardonicsmile if a old women a stranger in distress needed you to put air in her spare tire in the rain at the service station would you put air in her tire? Would you pay for it?

@37712 @sardonicsmile Air cost $2 you can use a credit card or quarters not cash,and I was approached by this elderly white women while pumping gas ,the white night lizard brain kicked in so offered assistance,Something familiar this women I had seen the week before and another man was assisting her same station, made me think there was a card reader on the air pump and she was part of a theft ring refused to pay but put in the air


@Scubbie @sardonicsmile yeah, air is free in the states I visit. I would not pay, I would say that I got no money, sorry, and then leave.

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