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millenial autism. I prefer clear pixels tbh. Dont give a shit what the intended look is. Anythings better than blurriness
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Israeli supporters be proud.

This is not Netanyahu or Ben-Gvir, this is a society that has fallen in abysseof immorality and self-righteousne to a level that they openly and proudly support the most heinous crimes

The difference between Israel today and Nazi Germany is that in 1930s and 40s, majority of Germans were not aware of the atrocities of the Nazis, today, Israelis and the rest of the world see, read and witness it even with IDF soldiers proudly bragging about their war crimes.

The evil of those supporting Israel today is far far worse rhan those supporting the nazis. But sadly, the hate of Palestinians, Muslims and people of color is so deeply rooted in the psyche of these people that they either chose not to see or shamelessly deny them.

The invasion of Gaza truly uncovered the disgusting hypocrisy and inhumanity of the "civilized west" and those corrupt Arabs pretending to be Muslim and honorable followers of "peaceful" Islam.

Aa I have been saying for years, the problem in Israel is no longer a few extremists, a large portion of the society has simply gone bat shit crazy,way beyond anything we rhe normal people see as red line.

I just want to know how ANYONE think it's okay to support such horrible torture for any reason?

#Israel #Inhumanity #Torture #Immorality #Genocide #Politics #RightToRape #Gaza #Palestine @palestine @israel

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Just remembered that they really tried to blow Trump's head off on live television and then he immediately squandered all the momentum he gained from surviving an assassination attempt by picking some eyeliner-wearing queer as his running mate
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@Terry >Syrian Oil Refinery occupied for years by Uncle pSycho back in Syrian hands.
These Syrians obviously have no respect for simple Geologists plying their trade.
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Hundreds of antifa jews and foreign invaders turned up to defend a migrant center in Liverpool. Zero sign of any "far right" protestors showing up.
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UK police now forced to deal with the mobs of armed muslim men marching through the streets as a result of the prank.
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hordes of migrant men armed with clubs, knives and swords, run around town looking for the "far right."

There were no protests today. Its a Wednesday. White people got jobs, nigger.
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Merovingian Club

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