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@Terry Everyone should know the names and addresses of the arresting officers, persecutor, and judge involved.
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Orange juice price (USD/Lbs)

1st of January, 2021: $121

1st of January, 2022: $146

1st of January, 2023: $207

Now: $422
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An interesting trend in Russia on migration. The stans are leaving because of how they get treated while white Europeans are fleeing to Russia in masses. Most of Russian embassies are working 24/7 on handling applications in Europe. Germans are the biggest group to remove their citizenship. Russian lawmakers are focusing on allowing those with similar racial feature to move with less hassle. They're in favour of helping Whites in Europe to resettle while blocking non-whites. The same is happening in the US. White Americans are leaving with their kids.
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‘Disruptive’ science has declined — and no one knows why
The proportion of publications that send a field in a new direction has plummeted over the last half-century.

Plenty of people know why but they were banned from publishing why

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The Official UK Government account just got suspended for threatening X users with violence
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@Terry Meanwhile, in the USA ...

> The cost of Black America
> If you are a white American, over the course of your lifetime the federal government will, on average and on your behalf, transfer $384,109 of your wealth and income to a single black individual.

> According to the data derived from the 2014 federal budget, the average annual net tax/benefit broke down as follows:

> White: -$2,795
> Black: +$10,016

> Over the course of an average 79-year lifespan, a white individual contributes a net $220,805 to the system, whereas over the course of an average 75-year lifespan, a black individual receives a net $751,200. However, since there are 4.6 times more whites than blacks in the USA, the black share has to be divided among the various contributors to sort out a one-to-one comparison.

> So, the net cost to the average White American of the average Black American is $384,109. Married? That's $768,218. Got 2 kids? That's $1,536,436. 4 kids? Now we're talking $2,304,654 lifetime.

> Diversity is expensive. Now you understand why you won't have much of an inheritance to leave to your children. Do you really think it's worth it? And then, those natural conservatives to the south, the Hispanics, will surely improve the situation, right? After all, immigration helps the economy! Well, not so much.

> Hispanic: +7,298

> In fact, because there are more Hispanics in the USA than Blacks, Hispanics are already a bigger cumulative net drain on the economy, $411,950,000,000 to $389,710,000,000. Needless to say, the ongoing demographic change from a predominantly white society to a less productive, less white one can be expected to have even more serious negative effects on the long-term economic prospects of the United States that it already has.

>To quote the original author: "The negative fiscal impact of blacks and hispanics is significant. All of this discussion of a “national debt” and “deficit” is primarily of function of blacks and hispanics. Without them, we would be running budget surpluses today, even when keeping the military the same size."
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