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Some of us have been saying this for years now.

Gad Sadd is a Mossad agent.

So is ben Shapiro and many others.

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One wonders if Snowden regrets throwing away his life to warn ungrateful Americans about unconstitutional NSA wire-tapping.

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@StarProphet @DoubleD

That was pretty based to notice that off the bat.

Skeletor also had the goods, you're in good company.

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We never really question the normative waters we swim in. Plenty of fucked up things become normal that serve to salami-slice our culture away.

Credit scoring is one of these. There's no practical difference between this and the Chinese Social Credit scoring system.

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As IT and the internet get shittier and shittier, my desire to be a farmer grows more and more.

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Every boomer who bought a house for like a dollar and it's now worth 1.5mn, is gonna get a bill for 375k for their unrealized capital gains on it. 🍿
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Merovingian Club

A club for red-pilled exiles.