If you want to know why you haven't heard of any big new bands in recent years, it's because there aren't any. The music industry is keeping bands out of the mainstream in favour of more profitable and manipulable 'talent'. https://www.minds.com/newsfeed/1682121488213217295
The Arabs are the heirs of Ishmael and have a covenant with God the same as the ancient Israelites or the White descendants of Adam do. It's all in the bible and the Edomite Jew has nothing to do with any of it, besides being Mystery Babylon from the book of Revelation.
I would absolutely not be surprised by this. I think it will take more than just one city for the rats to get the message, but this will serve as a good sign that people don't need the major networks to do investigations that get heard.
Tags: stats, twitter, race, blacks, whites, crime, genetics, homicide, murder, maoa, usa, america, violent_crime Source: The booru is down for now Download all the images here Check us out on Gab and Telegram
I wonder how ZOG is going to play this. They can't have Biden begin a war with Iran before the election, so he would have to start the next day (a military build up) (it would be the lame duck session of congress, too). If Trump wins, he'll claim he didn't start it, "BUT I'LL FINISH IT!!" . This way Trump has a fig leaf to hide behind for serving the NEOCON endless war agenda... youtube.com/watch?v=eKzI8F3AZCg